Nearly half of current UK tenants are living with one or more housing disrepair issues.
Over a quarter of tenants have been waiting six months or more for repairs.
The English Housing Survey has shown that there are over 75,000 “non-decent” properties in the UK.
If you and your family have been affected by crumbling and cracked walls, you may be entitled to repairs and compensation. Structural issues can pose a risk of physical danger such as ceilings and walls collapsing.
Dangerous black mould can have a serious impact on your family’s health. Immediate action is critical to avoid any further unnecessary exposure to this silent threat.
Damp floors and walls can create a breeding ground for bacteria and can be a health hazard for you and your family. It’s time to claim your right to a safe living environment.
Lack of central heating can disrupt your comfort and sleep, and poses many health issues for the most vulnerable members of your family. Don’t suffer in silence—warm up to the idea of seeking what you deserve.
Rats, insects, and vermin can contaminate your food and the very environment of your family’s sanctuary. This can be a serious threat to your health. It’s time to take back control and protect your home.
Mould, defective appliances, water damage and more can create dangerous and un-liveable conditions. Your council, housing association or landlord is obligated to ensure your accommodation is free from disrepair. Click below to start you process today!
Start by simply entering your details on our 3 Step form.
We have an experienced team of legal professionals, meticulously analysing and pursuing your claim.
Where we can successfully complete your claim, we will ensure your repairs are complete and your potential redress is paid.
HousingHelplines is a trading style of Veritas Solicitors Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales with registration number OC332899. Veritas Solicitors are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA number 472036